Sunday, December 27, 2009

Rahasia Membuat Kolam Ikan Hias

Sumber :

MENGHADIRKAN kolam ikan di pekarangan menjadi salah satu cara jitu untuk memunculkan hawa sejuk di sekitar hunian. Tak perlu dana besar untuk membuat "rumah" bagi hewan air itu.

Gemericik air akan membuat suasana rumah dan pekarangan yang gersang menjadi lebih sejuk dan dingin. Apalagi jika kolam itu berisi ikan-ikan cantik beraneka warna. Kepenatan Anda akan hilang seketika. Air memang dipercaya membawa unsur kedamaian serta ketenangan. Air juga bisa menjadi terapi pikiran dan jiwa.

Dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini, tidak sulit bagi Anda membuat kolam ikan sendiri. Anda tidak perlu membayar mahal untuk mendatangkan ahlinya. Cukup dengan desain simpel dan Anda tinggal menyuruh tukang kepercayaan Anda untuk membangunnya.

Tahap pertama pembangunan kolam taman adalah dengan merencanakan lokasi. Pilih tempat yang sesuai dengan interior hunian, sehingga kolam bisa terlihat bahkan gemericik airnya terdengar sampai ke dalam rumah. Perhatikan pula ketersediaan sinar matahari terhadap tumbuhan air. Aksesibilitas pada pasokan air dan listrik juga jangan diabaikan bila kolam Anda memerlukan pompa, lampu, dan aksesori lainnya. Penentuan lokasi kolam disesuaikan dengan tujuan serta kebutuhan pembuatannya.

Setelah itu, tentukan metode pembuatannya. Apakah Anda akan menggunakan beton sebagai bahan dasar kolam? Kolam dari bahan dasar beton memang tahan lama. Namun, bila tidak tahu bagaimana mencampuradukkan "adonan" beton dengan tepat, kolam tersebut nanti malah akan retak dan pecah-pecah.Kolam dari beton hanya bisa dikerjakan oleh ahlinya.

Ukuran kolam tidak perlu dipermasalahkan. Kolam kecil juga bisa jadi secantik kolam besar. Hanya, perhatikan bila Anda ingin mengisi kolam tersebut dengan ikan.

Bagi pencinta ikan koi, sebaiknya memiliki kolam yang cenderung luas. Perhatikan juga kedalamannya. Jangan sampai terlalu dangkal karena bisa-bisa saat hujan, air kolam menjadi penuh dan ikan Anda meluncur ke luar. Belum lagi ancaman dari predator seperti kucing.

Anda boleh memasang keramik atau batu alam sebagai pelapis dinding kolam. Namun, kata Diana, dua material tersebut berpotensi menjadi tempat tumbuh lumut apabila tidak dijaga dan dirawat secara baik.Lumut yang tebal membuat kolam jadi terlihat hijau keruh. Belum lagi nyamuk akan senang bertelur di situ.

Bila dana Anda terbatas, detail kolam tidak perlu terlalu rumit. Agar tetap terlihat cantik, Anda bisa menambahkan hiasan air mancur atau water fountain. Water fountain akan menambah daya tarik kolam. Selain itu, air yang diputar terus-menerus oleh mesin penggerak air akan mengganti oksigen yang berguna bagi kelangsungan hidup ikan yang ada di dalamnya.

Sebaiknya aliran pembuangan air kolam dibuat di dasar kolam, dengan tutupan yang mudah dibuka dan tutup kembali. Tutupan ini bisa menggunakan karet atau besi yang tidak mudah berkarat. Fungsinya agar ketika dibersihkan air dan kotoran dapat terbuang secara baik.

Kolam ikan yang indah tak selalu memerlukan dana mahal. Dengan Rp1.000.000-an, Anda sudah bisa memiliki kolam dengan konsep standar. Namun, bila ingin menggunakan relief serta water fountain, setidaknya Anda harus menyediakan dana minimal Rp3 juta.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bamboo Wall Slats and Bamboo Slat

by tikishack

Bamboo wall slats add style and sophistication to rooms and business spaces. Created from shoots of bamboo, the popular material enhances the appearance of a home or restaurant by giving it a warm, earthy feel. Inexpensive to purchase and easy to install, bamboo wall slats come in several different finishes and can be matched up to the furniture that you already have in your living and dining rooms. They can be cut to size and installed in one afternoon with a minimal amount of tools. Simply use screws or a nail gun to secure bamboo wall slats into place. Their pre-drilled holes makes installation a snap.

Bamboo wall slats can be used virtually everywhere. Your pool house or tiki bar will never be the same. Create a functional and charming place for you to entertain guests. After a long day at work, it will feel good to walk into your home and see how beautiful your new bamboo wall slats look. A few paintings and knick knacks can be added to the room to bring out its naturally exotic appeal.

A palm tree motif will give your place island appeal. You won’t have to travel far to enjoy the warmth of a newly remodeled room or entertainment area. Celebrate your good fortune by hosting a get together with all of your friends and neighbors. Serve up finger food and fruity mixed drinks with paper umbrellas. Play some music and chat about your exquisite taste in bamboo wall slats. Your guests will have nothing but nice things to say about your choice in décor.

No home improvement project is complete without the addition of bamboo wall slats. A smart and sturdy choice, they are affordably yet look like they cost a fortune. Bamboo wall slats can instantaneously change a setting. Improving the look of your home is one of the material’s advantages. The other plus to installing bamboo wall slats lies in their durability and lack of continuous upkeep. You don’t have to do much to keep this beautiful, natural product looking its best throughout the years.

Bamboo wall slats are the type of investment that produces immediate results. Adding a warm glow to your bedroom, living room, or dining room, the versatile home accessory looks like it cost a fortune when it really didn’t set you back too much.

Don’t let a bad economy get you down. Take the steps necessary today to create the type of home or entertainment area that others envy. A calm, peaceful environment can be achieved by simply installing bamboo wall slats. To see the different types offered, visit here.

You don’t have to be a professional to take simple steps to increase the value of your home or yard. Purchasing a few key items will help enhance the beauty of your living space. Bamboo is the type of product that looks expensive but rarely is. Adding this amazing item to your home takes very little time and money and makes it look better than it did before.

Article Source: Bamboo Wall Slats and Bamboo Slat

Monday, December 14, 2009

Guide to Easily Care For Shrubs For Your Landscape

By Kim Willis

If you want a green landscape but don't have a lot of time to spend caring for it, shrubs are a good choice. Properly selected shrubs are easy to care for and can provide year round interest.

Happy Shrubs Are Easy Care Shrubs

Just like in other forms of gardening, choosing shrubs for the landscape means paying attention to the conditions the shrub will be planted in and knowing what you want from the planting. If you have never had your soil tested, a soil test is recommended before you spend a lot of money on landscaping. You will also need to look at the area to see what type of soil you have (sandy, organic or clay) and what type of light each area receives.

Plants that are happy where they are placed will grow as expected and won't need excessive coddling. Happy shrubs are easy to grow shrubs. You can find the needs of plants by examining the plant tags, catalog descriptions or good reference books. When you shop for plants, have a list of what will grow well in your conditions so you won't be tempted to buy shrubs that just look nice or that are on sale.

Pay attention to the adult size and shape of shrubs, which will also be listed on those tags or in references. Small and cute now doesn't mean the shrub won't become a huge mess later. Also pay attention to how far from the house or walkways that you plant your shrubs. When they reach adult size, you don't want them to cover a window or make it impossible to reach the doorway. You can prune most shrubs, but constant pruning doesn't equal easy care.

Remember that there may be many cultivars of the same species of shrub, and some of those may suit your property better than others. For example, there are arborvitaes that grow into trees and those that stay low and globe-shaped. There are junipers that hug the ground and those that grow tall and narrow. There are dwarf versions of many types of shrubs. Some varieties may be more winter hardy in your zone than others.

Some Easy Care Evergreen Shrubs

Arborvitaes or cedars come in a number of sizes. They have soft, flat needles and a pleasant smell. There are some arborvitaes with variegated foliage for additional interest. Arborvitaes will grow well over a large area of the country.

There are numerous forms of juniper in several shades of green and gold. Junipers have sharp needles, and there are some forms that will grow as far north as Zone 4 and as far south as Zone 7.

If you have acidic soil and light shade to full sun, a holly may be right for you. Hollies have broad leaves but are evergreen. Some hollies become quite large over time, so choose carefully. If you have both male and female plants, you will be rewarded with red berries in winter.

Other acid-soil lovers that prefer some shade and protection from winter wind are the azaleas and rhododendrons. There are large and small varieties of both. In the right location, they require little care and will give you beautiful spring flowers. Some varieties are not evergreen in all climates.

For the drier southwestern areas, Manzanita is a broad-leaved evergreen shrub that develops small, bright-red, apple-like fruit in summer.

Easy Care Deciduous Shrubs

Lilacs grow so easily they have become wild in many areas. They will grow in all areas except the far south and desert southwest. They can become large, so use them where they have plenty of room. Full sun and good air circulation are best for lilacs. You'll be rewarded with lovely flowers in spring.

If you are in California or the Southwest, you may want to grow Ceanothus in one of its many forms instead of lilacs. They have nice foliage and pretty, blue summer flowers that attract butterflies.

Viburnums are easy to grow, with a wide range of flower and fruit types, but four feet tall is generally considered a small viburnum. They are best used where they don't need to be pruned and are allowed to have their natural shape. There are viburnums for Zones 3 to 8.

Forsythia is another shrub that looks best when allowed to develop its natural form. It's hardy from Zones 3 to 8. Beautiful golden flowers cover it in spring.

The Burning Bush, or Euonymus alata, is a widely planted shrub in Zones 3 to 7. It has brilliant-red fall coloring. It prefers full sun and a yearly pruning is recommended.

Don't forget the new shrub roses. These come in various sizes, from groundcovers to large shrubs. There is a wide range of colors. They bloom all summer and don't require spraying. They may die back to the roots in cold climates, but they quickly recover. Dead branches will need to be pruned out each spring, but after that little pruning is needed.

Barberries are thorny shrubs with small leaves. Many have deep purple or crimson foliage all year. They come in various sizes and prefer full sun in Zones 4 to 7.

For the western coastal areas, a hardy native shrub, Holodiscus discolor, or Cream Bush, with its sprays of creamy white, sweet-smelling flowers, is a good choice.

In the coastal southwest, Rosemary becomes a large fragrant shrub with beautiful blue flowers. It's tough and drought-resistant and is great for cooking.

For more information on landscape shrubs, visit the home and garden section of